We have been delivering precision for 40 years

The Company
Competence for over 40 years.

“New paths are created by going down them.”

This guiding principle by Franz Kafka has accompanied ITK Precisioning GmbH since its foundation as an engineering company in 1982.
Initially as a service provider for developments in the field of hardware and software, the company soon concentrated on the development and production of high-precision mechatronic positioning and motion systems and their components. The proximity to the optics city of Wetzlar, which is considered one of the most important technology locations in the field of optics for many world-renowned companies such as Leica, Leitz or Carl Zeiss, has played a significant role in the further development of the company and its product portfolio.

For over 40 years, we have been developing customised positioning and motion systems and their components for demanding industrial applications in the semiconductor industry, medical technology, optics, materials diagnostics or metrology, but also in particularly challenging applications such as aerospace. We understand the interplay of mechanics, electronics and software to ensure sub-micron accuracy and nanometre resolutions. This expertise helps our customers build chips more reliably, develop vaccines faster, make sensors more accurate and accelerate the energy transition.You can get more detailed insights into this in our image brochure

Our experienced, friendly and motivated team is available for all your concerns. Because an intensive and regular exchange with our customers and suppliers is the basis for our products.

A direct exchange with developers and designers is also ensured at all times during project handling. During the start of series production, the focus is on logistical coordination and lean order processing – while at the same time ensuring flexibility for changes at short notice.

Our products are individually tailored to the requirements of our customers and are all manufactured in-house. With “Made in Germany”, we underpin our quality claim and make our contribution to greater sustainability. Our customers benefit from a high level of quality, reliability and technological advantage.

Shape the technical future together with us!

Memberships in organisations and associations.
ITK is committed

We have strong partners and are involved as a member in various associations and institutions. Our cooperation with strong network partners guarantees expertise, while as an active member we also stand up for the interests of our customers. The market and competition-relevant information resulting from the associated exchange of experience is tailored to the specific needs of our industry. They flow into our product developments so that we meet the requirements of our customers and the market.


AMA – Association for Sensor and Measuring Technology e.V.

Connecting innovators – AMA has been the leading network for the key industry of sensor and measurement technology since 1981 and is thus a provider of ideas for technical innovations.

With its more than 450 members from industry and science, AMA is the first point of contact partner. With its detailed industry directory, the association offers an overview of sensors, measuring and testing technologies. In addition, the association supports the innovation dialogue between all those involved in the innovation process at the leading trade fair SENSOR+TEST, at joint stands at important leading trade fairs in Germany and abroad and at the scientific congress- and abroad and at the scientific congress SMSI. AMA also offers technology seminars focusing on topics from the fields of sensor technology, metrology and microsystems technology.


Hessenmetall is the employers’ network for Hessian metal, electrical and IT companies from ten sectors. Having started as an employers’ association and expanded into a service organisation for all aspects of industrial relations, the association is now on its way to becoming a network platform for Work 4.0. It consistently pursues the economic and political interests of its member companies and promotes their future and competitiveness by providing expertise, consulting services and platforms for knowledge and technology transfer. Together, we are shaping the world of work, which is renewing itself at the pace of Industry 4.0.

We have been a member of Hessenmetall since 2020.

Innomag Logo

Innomag e.V.

“The world is magnetic”: Under this slogan, the Innovation Platform Magnetic Microsystems brings together the interests and potential of manufacturers, service providers and users as a network. Since its founding in 2007, more than 30 companies and research institutions have joined forces at Innomag e.V. to facilitate access to modern technologies and comprehensive solution competencies. Magnetic microsystems are of considerable economic importance for the entire value chain, from sensors and actuators to modules and a wide range of applications. To this end, the association would like to promote the applications and dissemination of the technologies in dialogue with science and industry and create the basis for harnessing the innovation potential. ITK relies on microsystems technology in the form of magnetoresistive sensor technology in its products.

Quality is a standard for us

The top priority in the development, planning and manufacture of our products are the requirements of the customer or the market, which must be met – and if possible – exceeded. To this end, the requirements of all interested parties are systematically analysed, documented and incorporated into ITK’s development and optimisation projects.

ITK’s quality standards apply to all processes in the company, starting with product development, which we define together with our customer, through on-time delivery to competent customer service. All aspects of the customer-supplier relationship are subject to the uniform goal of convincing the customer through our striving for the best products and the best service. The processes in our company are continuously reviewed and subject to constant improvement.

audit berufundfamilie

In 2019, the certificate for the audit berufundfamilie was confirmed. We have always seen ourselves as a forward-looking and at the same time employee-oriented employer. Accordingly, we rely on an open dialogue between employees and managers. We want our employees to enjoy working for us, to feel comfortable, because in a healthy working environment they are happy to contribute their performance. It is important for us to cultivate an open and, above all, honest culture of dispute in our cooperation. This means that we treat each other with respect and fairness, are happy to compromise, use all operational possibilities and also name the limits to the desired compatibility solution. True to our working motto “New paths are created by walking them”, we use the audit berufundfamilie as a professional management tool to develop and shape our human resources work.


ISO 9001:2015 Certification

We underpin our own quality standards with DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 certification, which is a matter of course for us. It defines an orderly company with planned process flows and a structured organisational structure, and with which we focus on meeting customer requirements as well as normative and legal requirements. The certification creates worldwide confidence in the quality and performance of our products and services. It also documents our striving for quality through the increased transparency of our processes.

Contact us

If you have any questions, our team will be happy to help you.
Take advantage of the opportunities to get in touch with us. We will answer your questions competently and comprehensively.

Here you will find your contact persons.

Holger Rausch ITK

Sales- national:
Branches: Life Sciences and Metrology 

Holger Rausch
Sales Manager
Phone: +49 (0) 6441 65005 – 12
Mobile: +49 (0)

Sales – international:
Branches:  Semiconductors, Materials Sciences

Sebastian Rivera
Head of Marketing & Sales
Phone: +49 (0) 6441 65005-111
Mobile: +49 (0) 176 616 383 14

Sebastian Rivera ITK
Oliver Watz ITK

Head of Product Management/Technical Support:
: Magnetisation 

Oliver Watz
Phone: +49 (0) 6441 65005-14
Mobile: +49 (0

Order Processing:

Petra Velten 
Phone: +49 (0) 6441 65005-19

Petra Velten ITK
Irene Ripplinger

Order Processing:

Irene Ripplinger
Phone: +49 (0) 6441 65005-114



You will find information on data processing in our privacy policy.



You will find information on data processing in our privacy policy.